
This substance can cause fainting.

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Irregular or absent period

Menstruation may become irregular or even stop entirely.

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Sudden, brief, and jarring involuntary muscle contractions in your body.

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Difficulty reading

It can be difficult to read texts. This is most noticeable with small text, such as on a phone.

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Pressure on the chest / heart palpitations

Pressure on the chest / heart palpitations

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Some drugs keep you from falling asleep. Stimulants often have this effect, but even after using psychedelics or downers, sleep is disrupted and it is possible that you can’t sleep.

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Easily annoyed or irritated.

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Teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth

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Muscle cramps and muscle pain

Muscle cramps and muscle pain

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Head ache

Head ache

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Confusion and restlessness

Confusion and restlessness

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Some drugs have a diuretic effect. The kidneys then excrete more water than is normally the case. This ends up in the bladder and leaves the body by urinating. If […]

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The feeling that someone is spinning, or that the world is spinning around someone. This impairs balance.

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Decreased long-term memory

Drug use can affect long-term memory in a negative way.

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Black-out & grey-out

If you drink a lot of alcohol in one sitting, you may experience a blackout. This is a temporary memory disorder in which there is a disruption in information transfer […]

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Impaired sensory perception

Drug use can negatively affect sensory perception.

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Impaired coordination

Drug use can negatively affect the coordination of your body parts.

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Impaired reaction time

Drug use can negatively affect reaction time.

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Vasodilation (blood vessel dilation)

Some drugs cause your blood vessels to dilate (widen).

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Some drugs can make you more aggressive.

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