Celebrate Safe

Unity & Celebrate Safe

Celebrate Safe is a campaign set up by organisers in collaboration with various organisations, including Unity. It was set up to inform visitors of events and clubs in an accessible way about the risks related to partying, and how to limit these risks. Think of alcohol, drugs, but also hearing damage and unsafe sex.

Through this campaign, we now have the opportunity to involve the nightlife sector itself even more actively. That is very important. They are an important part of our scene, they organise the parties that we like to go to. By actively and openly supporting Unity and its information, they indicate that they are also involved in the health and safety of their visitors. This makes our message even more powerful.

Check the Celebrate Safe website for more information about the campaign and see which clubs and organisers support the campaign.

The pillars of Celebrate Safe are:

  • Respect each other’s beliefs and differences
  • I love my ears
  • Using alcohol or other drugs is never without risks
  • Know your limits and respect those of others
  • Enjoy safe sex without regrets
  • Love your body
  • Get home safe
  • Take care of each other
  • The crew is there to keep you safe

Party Panel

To ensure that our information is in line with what you do, think and want, we have set up the Party Panel. This is a semi-panel where we want to ask partygoers a number of questions every six months, online and anonymously.

Do you ever go out and would you like to think along and help us with the content of this campaign?

Then become a member.

Do you have any questions about Celebrate Safe or would you like to share something with us? Then email us at info@celebratesafe.nl.