
This substance can cause fainting.

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Feelings of interconnectedness

Under the influence of this subtance, you may feel a strong sense of connection with the world and people around you.

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Irregular or absent period

Menstruation may become irregular or even stop entirely.

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Sudden, brief, and jarring involuntary muscle contractions in your body.

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Mood swings

Using this drug may cause mood swings in users. These mood changes may be either positive or negative, and often alternate between extremes.

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Difficulty reading

It can be difficult to read texts. This is most noticeable with small text, such as on a phone.

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Desire to move

You can get a strong desire to dance and move around and dance. This might mean it can be difficult to sit still.

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Pressure on the chest / heart palpitations

Pressure on the chest / heart palpitations

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Some drugs keep you from falling asleep. Stimulants often have this effect, but even after using psychedelics or downers, sleep is disrupted and it is possible that you can’t sleep.

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Easily annoyed or irritated.

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More intense experience of touch

Physical/physical contact with other people feels different or more intense than usual. Giving a hug to someone else can be very pleasant. It can also happen that you prefer not […]

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Teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth

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Muscle cramps and muscle pain

Muscle cramps and muscle pain

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Changes in thought patterns

You more quickly form logical and illogical associations, but your thoughts may also become more chaotic and confused. For the user, this could be either a positive or negative experience.

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Sexually stimulating

Certain drugs can cause you to experience an enhanced sexual arousal. You feel more attracted to your partner or to others. For example, kissing can be extra pleasant and this […]

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(Nederlands) Verandering in tijdsperceptie

The passage of time could feel altered during drug use. Some parts of the evening fly by, while some parts feel a lot slower. When you are feeling comfortable, it […]

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Head ache

Head ache

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Confusion and restlessness

Confusion and restlessness

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Some drugs have a diuretic effect. The kidneys then excrete more water than is normally the case. This ends up in the bladder and leaves the body by urinating. If […]

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The feeling that someone is spinning, or that the world is spinning around someone. This impairs balance.

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