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LSD and ecstacy/MDMA

If you want to combine LSD and MDMA, it is good to think about this beforehand. When do you take which drug? Some people don’t want the MDMA come down […]

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Psychedelics and alcohol

Because of the psychedelic you have energy and you are less tired. As a result, you may feel the sedating effects of the alcohol less and you may have a […]

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Laughing gas and psychedelics

If you are tripping and you take nitrous oxide, it can cause very intense effects. That can be fun, but it can also be so intense that it scares you. […]

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Ecstasy/MDMA and laughing gas

Under the influence of XTC/MDMA, laughing gas can intensify the trip. This can be fun, but also scary, if it’s too intense. It can be tempting to just keep taking […]

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Cannabis and tobacco

In the Netherlands it is customary to roll joints with tobacco. This is actually an weird habit. It is easy, but it also increases the risks. Interaction The experiences of […]

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Changa and other drugs

Changa is the name for the combination of an herb with DMT. Usually the herb contains a (light) MAO inhibitor. For information about combinations, see the information for ayahuasca and […]

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Ayahuasca and other drugs

Ayahuasca is an intense psychedelic. It’s intense enough on its own. Combining doesn’t make it a better or more intense experience. However, it does increase the chance of a difficult […]

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DMT and other drugs

DMT is an intense psychedelic. It is often intense enough on its own. Combining doesn’t make it a better or more intense experience. However, it does increase the chance of […]

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Opiates and alcohol

Opiates and alcohol are both downers. They slow down activity in your nervous system. This has several risks. First, they both cause your breathing to slow down and become shallower. […]

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GHB and speed/amphetamine

Speed ​​is sometimes combined with GHB to take the edge off speed or to get hornier when used in a sexual setting. The risk of this is that due to […]

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Ketamine and GHB

Ketamine and GHB are both downers. They cause less activity in your brain. They reinforce each other’s effect. Some people like a low dose of both. The combination increases the […]

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Ketamine and ecstasy/MDMA

It changes the XTC/MDMA experience. After using MDMA, many people indicate that they already have some hallucinations (crash barriers, bar tables, sunglasses, etc.). Ketamine increases the risk of hallucinations. This […]

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Ketamine and alcohol

Ketamine and alcohol are both downers. They cause less activity in your brain. They reinforce each other’s effect. Some people like a low dose of both. At higher doses, the […]

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Ketamine and cannabis

Combining cannabis and ketamine increases the risk of nausea and vomiting. If you then have trouble moving because of the ketamine, in the worst case you can choke on your […]

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GHB and cannabis

If you combine GHB and cannabis, you are more likely to get nauseous. It is also possible that if you are very stoned you pass out more easily from the […]

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Methamphetamine and cannabis

Sometimes people smoke weed after or while taking methamphetamine to calm down or fall asleep more easily. Cannabis can soften the methamphetamine buzz, especially towards the end. However, this is […]

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Speed and caffeine

Speed is often cut with caffeine. The caffeine often makes you feel a bit more jumpy or rushed, in a negative way. Both drugs increase the heart rate.  

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Cocaine and cannabis

Sometimes people consider smoking weed after or while using cocaine to calm down or fall asleep more easily. Cannabis can soften the intoxication, especially towards the end. However, this is […]

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Benzodiazepines and psychedelics

A benzodiazepine may sound like a good solution if someone is having a difficult experience on a psychedelic. Read more about that here. In the best situation, however, you solve […]

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Benzodiazepines and stimulants: ecstasy/MDMA, speed, cocaine, 4-FA

Sometimes people use benzodiazepines to help them sleep after using a stimulant. Read more about that here. Most importantly, you need to make sure you don’t need a benzodiazepine to […]

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