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Unity tips for using sedatives

Do not use sedatives (downers) in combination with other sedatives (alcohol, GHB, sleeping pills, opiates) or ketamine. This is dangerous because you can fall unconscious and suffocate on your vomit. […]

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Unity tips for using stimulants

Do not combine high stimulant doses with other stimulants Do not use stimulants if you suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy or psychological afflictions. Also, do not use stimulants if […]

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Unity tips for using psychedelics

When taking a psychedelic for the first time, try to have your experience in nature or at home Do you want to trip at a party or festival? Adjust your […]

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Unity tips for using drugs

When using a drug for the first time, take only a small dose to see how your body reacts to the substance Only use drugs when you are feeling well […]

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