ADE Playground: Late Night Culture Talks @ De School
De School is host to a small conference on Friday the 21st of october together with Amsterdam´s night-mayor Nachtburgemeester Amsterdam– focusing on collaboration with local authorities, mental and physical health; and diversity and sexuality in club culture. This short school day will be an open conference and free of charge.
During the health session Judith Noijen (Jellinek / Unity/ Celebrate Safe) will give an insight in the first results of Party Panel; How do we party, what risks are we willing to take and why?
These first results answer questions like why would people like to take high doses of MDMA, what are the effects they are looking for and what motivates some of them to have their ecstasy tested.(
Share your own thoughts and experiences:
Daan Kamps will provide us with an additional perspective on club drug use. The night-time leisure economy is interwoven with a range of chemicals, and not just for those using them recreationaly.
His research explores how workers in night-clubs (from deejays to managers, event organizers and sound technicians) seek out stimulative drugs in order to enhance their presentation of the self and their performance.
Late Night Culture Talks
ADE Playground Event
Guest speakers
Local Authorities
– Kim Tuin (Trouw, NDSM, Amsterdam)
– Lutz Leichsenring (Club Commission, DE)
– Mirik Milan (Night Mayor, Amsterdam)
– Dan Beaumont (Dance Tunnel, London)
– Judith Noijen (Jellinek, Amsterdam)
– Daan Kamps (Amsterdam)
– Luis Garcia (Resident Advisor, journalist)
– Frederick Calmes (Artist, Amsterdam)